Avoy Binodini High School is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Company is working in Schools business activities. You can reach the company by phone at 02 8314416
Reviews from google
Anup G
15 Jun, 2019
A high School located in rajarbag, Basabo area. It is a combined school adjacent to a government primary School. There are a large place inside the school.
Apurba Barai
27 Oct, 2020
Avoy Binodini High School is an academic institute and one of the popular institute located at 24/3, Rajarbagh, Sabujbagh, Dhaka. Its educational system is very good. Most of the students are very happy. Avoy Binodini High School`s Eiin number is 108370.
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Anup G
15 Jun, 2019A high School located in rajarbag, Basabo area. It is a combined school adjacent to a government primary School. There are a large place inside the school.
Apurba Barai
27 Oct, 2020Avoy Binodini High School is an academic institute and one of the popular institute located at 24/3, Rajarbagh, Sabujbagh, Dhaka. Its educational system is very good. Most of the students are very happy. Avoy Binodini High School`s Eiin number is 108370.
Rakib hossen
23 Oct, 2022Such a beautiful school 🖤
shamim saruar
09 Sep, 2018Good quality school
Bikash dada RMB danger
28 Jul, 2022Great school and college