Environment is decent, but It's inside residential area and Mobile network coverage is so poor.
Abrar Foysal Chowdhuary
29 Mar, 2023
First of all it’s locate in a residential area so yo can't find any public transport infront of hospital area,secondly mobile network coverage is too poor to communicate.They serve several free wifi but dropped frequently.
One surprising thing is they decorate the interior with very low lighting It's very funky like u are at a chinese restaurant lol.
Btw these are not vital issues.
I appoint Dr.Yakub Ali who is also managing director of this hospital.Our appointment time was 12-12:30 and serial was 15,but he arrived at 1:00 pm,its not acceptable from a new Hospital.
Mohammad Abir
26 Apr, 2024
Nobody can come inside hospital wearing any foot wearable items. They provide sandals to wear inside hospital. They won't tell u about that. They expect us to find about that using some supernatural power. Behaviour of some employees are intolerable.. they get irritated when asked too many questions.
Farah Muna
06 Mar, 2024
Very happy to visit the doctor. Very caring both the doctor and the supporting staffs. Neat and clean. Impressed to visit there.
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Jobayer Ahmed (JoAh)
15 Mar, 2024Environment is decent, but It's inside residential area and Mobile network coverage is so poor.
Abrar Foysal Chowdhuary
29 Mar, 2023First of all it’s locate in a residential area so yo can't find any public transport infront of hospital area,secondly mobile network coverage is too poor to communicate.They serve several free wifi but dropped frequently. One surprising thing is they decorate the interior with very low lighting It's very funky like u are at a chinese restaurant lol. Btw these are not vital issues. I appoint Dr.Yakub Ali who is also managing director of this hospital.Our appointment time was 12-12:30 and serial was 15,but he arrived at 1:00 pm,its not acceptable from a new Hospital.
Mohammad Abir
26 Apr, 2024Nobody can come inside hospital wearing any foot wearable items. They provide sandals to wear inside hospital. They won't tell u about that. They expect us to find about that using some supernatural power. Behaviour of some employees are intolerable.. they get irritated when asked too many questions.
Farah Muna
06 Mar, 2024Very happy to visit the doctor. Very caring both the doctor and the supporting staffs. Neat and clean. Impressed to visit there.
johnzihad 2019
13 Mar, 2024As a hospital Road was,t good