London International School is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Company is working in Schools business activities. You can reach the company by phone at 8115206
Reviews from google
Rizwan Firoz
I went to this school for 2.5 years. One hell of a school it is. Teachers are not well trained, they torture students mentally and physically. If you love your child/children then please don't send them to this school, or else you will regret.
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Rizwan Firoz
I went to this school for 2.5 years. One hell of a school it is. Teachers are not well trained, they torture students mentally and physically. If you love your child/children then please don't send them to this school, or else you will regret.
Amrin Alam
I miss LIS it was my old school
Tahmina Akter
nothing but money suckers
Amin Chowdhury
Good school
Siam Barkatullah