Radiant International School is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Company is working in Schools business activities. You can reach the company by phone at 02 9130775, 02 8118141
Reviews from google
Rtn Suman Ch Sarker
Actually it’s a kindergarten School for the little Babies placed in the Naya nagor road, Kajla. After Establishment, the school has become in the focus of the local people. Because the teaching staff working in here are very experienced and helpful to their kids students. Most of the teaching staff are Lady and they take a good care of their baby boys and girls. Guardians are satisfied with their service.
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Rtn Suman Ch Sarker
Actually it’s a kindergarten School for the little Babies placed in the Naya nagor road, Kajla. After Establishment, the school has become in the focus of the local people. Because the teaching staff working in here are very experienced and helpful to their kids students. Most of the teaching staff are Lady and they take a good care of their baby boys and girls. Guardians are satisfied with their service.
Jasmin Akhter
Mehedi Hasan