Lyceum International School is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Company is working in Schools business activities. If you have any questions, please send an email You can reach the company by phone at +880-2-9111519, 9111415
Reviews from google
Amisha Ara
22 Dec, 2023
I attended this amazing school from my early years through O-Levels. The teachers are exceptional, catering to each student’s needs with dedication! My time there was filled with wonderful memories that I cherish dearly.
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Amisha Ara
22 Dec, 2023I attended this amazing school from my early years through O-Levels. The teachers are exceptional, catering to each student’s needs with dedication! My time there was filled with wonderful memories that I cherish dearly.
Alien 50
03 Apr, 2019I love it
Mohammad Shariful Islam
01 Oct, 2017Medium
Ahsan Khan
04 Aug, 2023Fahid Ahmed
12 Sep, 2020