Nimtala High School is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Company is working in Schools business activities. You can reach the company by phone at 031 718522
Reviews from google
Be Etcetera
Education is the backbone of a nation and school and college is the pillar of it.
Atikur Pollob
The school is one of the ideal school. Discipline learning environment is unique in everything. The behavior of teachers is ideal for a student.😊🥰🥰
Ekram's Yard
the place is memorable to me,i spent lot of times there.i used to play on the ground of school,i was received too much creast/gift for attentding school annual Program
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Be Etcetera
Education is the backbone of a nation and school and college is the pillar of it.
Atikur Pollob
The school is one of the ideal school. Discipline learning environment is unique in everything. The behavior of teachers is ideal for a student.😊🥰🥰
Ekram's Yard
the place is memorable to me,i spent lot of times there.i used to play on the ground of school,i was received too much creast/gift for attentding school annual Program
md suhel
Old school but education system Very nice
MunTasir Azahar
My school