Nice for Diabetic patient. Almost all type of Diabetic patients are Served here.Medicine,Eye,ENT, Cardiac,Dental,Gynecologist, Nutritionist, Surgery,Skin,Endrocine, Nephrologists, Rheumatic Fever all types of Doctors are available here. It has indoor patients service too. Overall It's a nice Hospital.
Nuruddin Husain
14 Feb, 2023
Good for Diabetics patient and Operation and other facilities are also good. Very helpful for Special Care about Diabetes Patients
S.M.Javed Zahangir Shameem
06 Jan, 2022
This is very good hospital for diabetic patients and for all kind of treatments. Plenty of specialised doctors are here for treatment. There is also pathology department here.
Lutful Kabir
03 Nov, 2020
this is specialized hospital for diabetes patients. it is one of the most renowned hospital in old town. it is situated in rankin street in old dhaka. it has a lot of chamber for most experienced doctor of govt and private hospitals.
Md Mohibur Rahman
11 Aug, 2017
Hospital is the place where people's go to take treatment to cure themselves. I've visited this Hospital today to see my friends uncle admitted in level 6. Unfortunately it was most uncomfortable messy and dirty place. My concern is if hospital keep dirty what they gonna give to patients to cure them. Humble request to hospital authority plz look after those things and give patients better treatments with comfortably as we general people's paying for everything. Thank you:(
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Fazlul Haque
11 Mar, 2021Nice for Diabetic patient. Almost all type of Diabetic patients are Served here.Medicine,Eye,ENT, Cardiac,Dental,Gynecologist, Nutritionist, Surgery,Skin,Endrocine, Nephrologists, Rheumatic Fever all types of Doctors are available here. It has indoor patients service too. Overall It's a nice Hospital.
Nuruddin Husain
14 Feb, 2023Good for Diabetics patient and Operation and other facilities are also good. Very helpful for Special Care about Diabetes Patients
S.M.Javed Zahangir Shameem
06 Jan, 2022This is very good hospital for diabetic patients and for all kind of treatments. Plenty of specialised doctors are here for treatment. There is also pathology department here.
Lutful Kabir
03 Nov, 2020this is specialized hospital for diabetes patients. it is one of the most renowned hospital in old town. it is situated in rankin street in old dhaka. it has a lot of chamber for most experienced doctor of govt and private hospitals.
Md Mohibur Rahman
11 Aug, 2017Hospital is the place where people's go to take treatment to cure themselves. I've visited this Hospital today to see my friends uncle admitted in level 6. Unfortunately it was most uncomfortable messy and dirty place. My concern is if hospital keep dirty what they gonna give to patients to cure them. Humble request to hospital authority plz look after those things and give patients better treatments with comfortably as we general people's paying for everything. Thank you:(